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Ignoring the Bright Side
92 - The Beginning: Ignoring the Bright Side - 2008-02-04

Wouldn't the whole world be happier if everyone shut up?


Quote: Huh? What the hell is that now?
Igor (transformed): Grraar!

Igor (transformed): Grr...
Igor: Someone... help...
Igor (transformed): Rrrr...

Quote: Is... is that the rabbit thing that defies logic?
Bat: It must be. What happened to him?!

Quote: We've got to help him. He may fly in the face of science, but he doesn't deserve this.
Bat: Hey, you got a weapon out of it.
Quote: Please shut up.

Tale of the Cave is not related to Studio Pixel in any way, and is intended to be a parody. Tale of the Cave, the comics, and the site in general and all content on it are ©2007-2009 Mike Caron unless noted otherwise. Doukutsu Monogatari/Cave Story is ©2004 Studio Pixel.
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