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Pointless Banter
127 - The Mimiga Village: Pointless Banter - 2008-03-28

I'm sure I stole that joke from somewhere, but I can't remember where. Ah well.


Quote: Oh, you're up.
Balrog: Yyyup. So, how are we gonna do this thing? You learned your lesson, or do I get to pount it in to you?

Quote: You know, I'm a lot more dangerous than I look.
Balrog: That's not saying much.

Quote: Oh yeah? What's this say to you?
Balrog: Something along the line of, "Aww, he has a gun! How cute!"

Quote: You know, I'm planning to kill you with this thing.
Balrog: Hee hee! That's hilarious!
Quote: No, really, I'm serious!
Balrog: I know, that's what's so funny!

Tale of the Cave is not related to Studio Pixel in any way, and is intended to be a parody. Tale of the Cave, the comics, and the site in general and all content on it are ©2007-2009 Mike Caron unless noted otherwise. Doukutsu Monogatari/Cave Story is ©2004 Studio Pixel.
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