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Doctor Appointment
125 - The Mimiga Village: Doctor Appointment - 2008-03-26

'Red' is Quote, of course.


Misery: Idiotic blathering aside, what do we have here?
Misery: The only female Mimiga in the village?

Misery: Therefore, you must be Sue.
Toroko: Umm... what? I'm not Sue.

Misery: Now now, come quietly, and I won't get to hurt you.
Toroko: Wait, what?!
Quote: Uh...?

Toroko: But, I'm not-!
Misery: I don't know who you are, Red, but know that this same fate waits for any who oppose the Doctor.

Misery: Balrog, ensure that he gets the point, would you?
Toroko: WAH!

Balrog: Yeah, sure Misery. I'll get right on that- Oh wait! I'm still on my head! GRR!
Quote: Wait... you're upside down?
Quote: It's hard to tell.

Tale of the Cave is not related to Studio Pixel in any way, and is intended to be a parody. Tale of the Cave, the comics, and the site in general and all content on it are ©2007-2009 Mike Caron unless noted otherwise. Doukutsu Monogatari/Cave Story is ©2004 Studio Pixel.
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