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A Fixer-Upper
119 - The Mimiga Village: A Fixer-Upper - 2008-03-18

Maybe they could flip it, and make a huge profit!


Caption: 3 minutes earlier
Bat: Let's look in here!
Quote: She's not in here. This is clearly some sort of abandoned house. Why would she be in here?

Bat: There's no door.
Quote: Well, what are we waiting for?!

Quote: Well, isn't this a nice little destitute shack.
Bat: It could... use some paint.

Bat: ... and a rear wall.
Bat: Oh, hey, look! I'm nearly invisible again!
Quote: Lovely.

Tale of the Cave is not related to Studio Pixel in any way, and is intended to be a parody. Tale of the Cave, the comics, and the site in general and all content on it are ©2007-2009 Mike Caron unless noted otherwise. Doukutsu Monogatari/Cave Story is ©2004 Studio Pixel.
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