This is a comic following the adventures of a boy, suffering from amnesia, and his adventures in the mysterious caves he finds himself in. It is heavily based on the game Doukutsu Monogatari (Cave Story), but told in a new way. Url of the tribute site of the game:
Wizardude, 24 Apr 2009 10:56 pm
Personification! I love Garfield, and as such I think animals that think like humans but can't talk are awesome. The nom nom bat is going to be big, I'm telling you!
And that large thing in the last panel is a called a critter. Don't be fooled by their cute looks. Seriously.
Heo Map, 25 Apr 2009 02:31 am
angles Runz away!! they want your antenna ear things!!! I wanted to do something that almost looked ingame but... remembered the terrible proportions in that game and made it at least 2D xD
Speed lines! SPEED LINES!!! It says you're going really fast!! Anyways, all the cool bats wear beards these days.
Awight, enough about things I found funny, my only complaint about this page is how the main character's head is turned at an angle greater than 90 degrees so I can't use a side profile and it's less than 160 so I can't use just the back of his head like Kazuma...
Mirff~ Actual effort~~.