This is a comic following the adventures of a boy, suffering from amnesia, and his adventures in the mysterious caves he finds himself in. It is heavily based on the game Doukutsu Monogatari (Cave Story), but told in a new way. Url of the tribute site of the game:
Wizardude, 24 Apr 2009 10:52 pm
Poor Kazuma... And so another character is introduced...but who is this mystery man, begging in such a non-mysterious, unmanly way?
Well, let's hope he gets help eventually.
Heo Map, 25 Apr 2009 02:01 am
8 year-old See those non straight lines I used for the back wall of the shelter?... ... I wish I had a ruler at that point in time now xD It looks like kid just slapped the entire thing together. :< I'm not a child... Just childish... and lazy