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Cave Story ~ Doukutsu Monogatari: Walkthrough

Egg Corridor Redux

Wow, this place is pretty smashed up. The blue thing is pretty confused, so just go right and blow stuff up. Watch out for monsters hiding behind signs, and be on guard to take cover from big insects. At Egg 12 is a big dragon guarding a treasure chest - raid it to increase your max missiles by 5.

Cthulhu's Abode, past Egg 9, now features falling death blocks - be careful of those.

Just past Egg 4 is a broken window. Through it is a strangely arena-shaped room and a treasure chest in the middle. Raid it for five more max missiles and a boss fight.

BOSS: The Sisters
Shoot them when their mouths are open or they look sick. The Bubbler can help get rid of any stray fire if you need to do so. The major danger is when they both open their mouths and will not shut them, no matter what.

Save point appears. There's a door against the right wall. If you wanted to know what was behind the door in the middle, you'll never know. Careful exiting that room - you're apt to get smashed by a stalactite if you're not quick. Keep going to the save room at the end. Use it, before investigating Egg 00.

Use the computer.

Words light up the screen.


Who's there?
Kazuma appears in a door and approaches you.
Kazuma: Oh, it's you.
Kazuma: Glad to see you're all right.
Kazuma: I'm the only one here.
Kazuma: After you left for the Sand Zone, the rest of us hurried to secure a means of escape.
Kazuma: That's when Misery showed up.
Kazuma: Sue got taken off with her, and I haven't seen the professor...
Kazuma: .....
Kazuma: I gather the Doctor was able to obtain the seeds.
Kazuma: Oh, no, no, I'm not blaming you...
Kazuma: The Doctor's victory was assured from the moment he got his hands on that Crown, really.
Kazuma: It's only a matter of time before his army of wild Mimigas is complete...
Kazuma: After that, I fear not even you could stop him.
Kazuma: We've no choice but to flee...
Kazuma: I figured we might be able to escape if only we had a Sky Dragon.
Kazuma: ...That's why I came here.
Kazuma: And now, my dragon has hatched.
Kazuma pauses for a moment, thinking.
Kazuma: Would you like to escape with me? [YES/NO]
Pick Yes to see the Bad Ending. Pick No to continue the game. This section will continue as if you picked No. To read the Bad Ending, go to the Endings section.
Kazuma: I see...
Kazuma pauses.
Kazuma: You know, there's one other way one might return the Mimigas to their natural state.
Kazuma: You could destroy the island's core.
Kazuma: If you did that, however, the island would most likely crumble.
Kazuma: A dangerous choice, no?
Kazuma: Well, either way, we don't even know where the core is...
Kazuma: If you'd like to give it a try, I can wait.
Kazuma: But remember, if the situation grows dire, I may have to leave without you...
Kazuma leaves.

Follow him out the door.

Prev: Endgame Nostalgia
Next: Outer Wall

Ending: The Bad Ending

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