This is a comic following the adventures of a boy, suffering from amnesia, and his adventures in the mysterious caves he finds himself in. It is heavily based on the game Doukutsu Monogatari (Cave Story), but told in a new way. Url of the tribute site of the game:
Heo Map, 14 Jan 2010 12:04 am
Mimigas are HARD to draw~ Mainly because I don't draw furries in general and this was a terrible and hard experience for me. For those of you who weren't there when I said it, and or thought I died.
I spent the majority of winter trying to draw a goddamned furry >.<
Wizardude, 15 Jan 2010 12:28 am
Oh quit whining... But really folks, give my associate here your support, it's quite a feat he is attempting.
We know we're pretty irregular in updates, as school is kind of a major "dealio", but we're going to be on track very soon. Thanks for all of the continued support!