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Page 7: Misplaced Optimism

May 12th, 2009, 11:04 pm

Average Rating: 5.00
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Author's Comments:

Wizardude, 12 May 2009 11:10 pm

Error! Critter overload! Sorry about the delay, I've bee worrying about AP testing.

Any who, this is number 7, and 17 fans as of now! That's awesome guys, really. If you guys have any input at all, let us know.

This just seemed like the natural step after the last comic. Just look at him, he is so happy in the first two panels. Heh.

Heo Map, 03 Jun 2009 06:42 pm

I'm no geologist But I think dat's a wall... it's blockin' joo.

I love odd angle pictures 8D they're so much fun to make... They don't turn out as I imagine but I still like practicing.