Cave Story ~ Doukutsu Monogatari: Walkthrough

Final Cave: Easy Playthrough

If you've taken the Easy Route, the Final Cave isn't too hard. Precision jumping is the theme of the day. Go right, avoiding drops of lava, spikes and jumping blobs. Jetpack up to an area of grids. Watch out for the lava, bats, and spikes, and go right. At the end, jump up and go right. Watch out for blocks that aren't solid dropping onto spikes, since I haven't tested the reliability of the fans there. At the end, loop around to a series of falling deathtraps. They drop powerups, so kill them when they've fallen. Don't let a bouncing blob knock you back under one. At the far end, watch out for a blob in the lava. Take the door.

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Next: Endgame

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