Take a gander at that strange little spinning floppy disk, and the thing to the left of it.

What, have you not seen a bog-standard HEALTH REFILL STATION before? These things COMPLETELY RESTORE YOUR HEALTH if you ever get yourself hurt!

No clue what's up with the floppy disk, though. What sort of practical reason would a random giant spinning floppy disk even have? I mean, it's not like you can WRITE DATA TO IT. It's too big to fit in even an 8-inch floppy drive, let alone a consumer-level 5¼-inch drive!! Absolutely insane.

And because saving in MSPFA is different to how it works in the actual game.
Cave Story: Retold Ongoing 722 Author: KurosurinTomasu
Mirrored by: kurosurintomasu
Tags: suggestions, nonmspa, alternate, sprites, doukutsumonogatari, shitpost
ID: 56202
Cave Story: Retold is a retelling of a jumping-and-shooting action game. Canon is just a suggestion. The future is screwed. Timelines are crossing. Can you save the world from destruction?

May contain scenes with pixelated violence. And blood. Reader discretion is advised.

Adventure Map

Inspired by old sprite comics (like Bob and George or MS Paint Masterpieces (which i am realizing are both Mega Man sprite comics (not to be confused with megaman sprite comic))), an old Cave Story sprite comic that I found on cavestory.org (probably Negative 127) and, in MSPFA fashion, MS Paint Adventures such as Problem Sleuth and Homestuck.

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