-- rambunctiousScamperer [RS] started chattering with kazumaSakamoto [KS] at 9:26 AM. --

RS: Hey, Kazuma, you there?
RS: You alright?

KS: is that sue
KS: for realsies this time

RS: Yeppers.
RS: It's me.
RS: Your beloved sister, Sue Sakamoto.
RS: So, you got away, I'm guessing?
RS: Where are you right now?

KS: im in some sorta shelter
KS: its sealed up tight
KS: which is unfortunate
KS: and an expression if youre wondering
KS: i mean i can't get out cause the doors stuck

RS: Oh, shit, man.
RS: Sorry 'bout that.
RS: Is Mom with you?

KS: no i think shes still with the doctor
RS: Ah.
RS: Well, that's alright, I suppose.
RS: Not at all optimal, but if it's the safest for her, then I hope she'll be alright.
RS: Even if I woulda preferred if she got away or something.
RS: Anyways, I found some dragon eggs.

KS: siiiick
KS: any of them look hatchable rn

RS: At least one, but it's all locked up with a password.
KS: that out of context sounds weird
KS: "you need a password to hatch this egg"
KS: absurd

RS: I know, I know.
RS: Hey, real quick, I wanna help you out of your little jam.
RS: Any kinda sector codes for where you are right now?

KS: oh yeah
KS: its "grasstown"
KS: or "bushlands"
KS: really its interchangable, but the one i see more often is grasstown
KS: can you run a scan for that or something

RS: Already on it.
RS: I'm comin' to help ya, bro.
RS: Just sit tight, alright?

KS: alright
KS: not like i have a choice in the matter

-- rambunctiousScamperer [RS] ceased chattering with kazumaSakamoto [KS] at 9:30 AM. --

KS: oh yeah by the way i could really use something to eat so like once you come by can you bring something thanks
KS: fuck

Cave Story: Retold Ongoing 722 Author: KurosurinTomasu
Mirrored by: kurosurintomasu
Tags: suggestions, nonmspa, alternate, sprites, doukutsumonogatari, shitpost
ID: 56202
Cave Story: Retold is a retelling of a jumping-and-shooting action game. Canon is just a suggestion. The future is screwed. Timelines are crossing. Can you save the world from destruction?

May contain scenes with pixelated violence. And blood. Reader discretion is advised.

Adventure Map

Inspired by old sprite comics (like Bob and George or MS Paint Masterpieces (which i am realizing are both Mega Man sprite comics (not to be confused with megaman sprite comic))), an old Cave Story sprite comic that I found on (probably Negative 127) and, in MSPFA fashion, MS Paint Adventures such as Problem Sleuth and Homestuck.

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