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Type Subtype Syntax Does
Boss Animation <BOAXXXX Animates boss X
Fight <BSLXXXX Starts boss fight with entity X
Camera Focus <FOBXXXX Focus on boss in X ticks
Focus <FOMXXXX Focus on me in X ticks
Focus <FONXXXX:YYYY Focus on entity tagged with event X in Y ticks
Special Effects <FLA Flashes the screen
Special Effects <QUAXXXX Shakes the screen for X ticks
Character Gravity <UNIXXXX Sets character movement style
Hide/Show <HMC Hides your character
Hide/Show <SMC Unhides your character
Move <MM0 Halts characters forward motion
Move <MOVXXXX:YYYY Moves you to coordinates X:Y
Move <MYBXXXX Bumps you from direction X
Move <MYDXXXX Makes you face direction X
Move <TRAWWWW:XXXX:YYYY:ZZZZ Travel to map W, run event X, move character to coordinates Y:Z
Common End <END Ends the current scripted event
End <FRE Frees game action and character
Fade <FAIXXXX Fade in with direction X
Fade <FAOXXXX Fade out with direction X
Halt <WAIXXXX Wait X ticks
Halt <WAS Waits until character is standing
Lock <KEY Locks out player controls
Lock <PRI Locks out player controls and freezes game action
Prompt <NOD Waits for player input before resuming the script
Speed-Up <CAT Instant text display - Place before a <MSG/2/3; Works until <END
Speed-Up <SAT Speeds up text display
Speed-Up <TUR Instant text display - Place inside a <MSG/2/3; Works until another <MSG/2/3 or <END
Text Box <CLO Closes the text box
Text Box <CLR Clears the text box
Text Box <FACXXXX Shows face X in the text box
Text Box <GITXXXX Displays an item or weapon icon above the text box
Text Box <MS2'text' Opens an invisible text box at the top of screen and prints 'text'
Text Box <MS3'text' Opens a text box at the top of screen and prints 'text'
Text Box <MSG'text' Opens a text box and prints 'text'
Text Box <NUM0000 Outputs value Y value from <AM+ as text; Values other than 0000 give varying numbers (Pattern?)
Entity Animation <ANPXXXX:YYYY:ZZZZ Animates entity X with method Y and direction Z
Change <CNPXXXX:YYYY:ZZZZ Changes entity X to type Y with direction Z
Change <INPXXXX:YYYY:ZZZZ Changes entity tagged with event X to type Y with direction Z and sets entity flag 100
Move <MNPWWWW:XXXX:YYYY:ZZZZ Move entity tagged with event W to coordinates X:Y with direction Z
Remove <DNAXXXX Deletes all entities of type X
Remove <DNPXXXX Removes all entities tagged with event X
Spawn <SNPWWWW:XXXX:YYYY:ZZZZ Creates and entity of type W at coordinates X:Y with direction Z
Flag Clear <FL-XXXX Clears flag X
Set <FL+XXXX Sets flag X
Mapflag Set <MP+XXXX Set map flag X
Skipflag Clear <SK-XXXX Clear skipflag X
Skipflag Set <SK+XXXX Set skipflag X
Items and Weapons Equipment <EQ+XXXX Equip item X
Equipment <EQ-XXXX Unequip item X
Health <ML+XXXX Gain X to maximum health
Items <IT+XXXX Get item X
Items <IT-XXXX Lose item X
Weapons <AM+XXXX:YYYY Gives weapon X, adds Y ammo
Weapons <AM-XXXX Takes weapon X
Weapons <TAMXXXX:YYYY:ZZZZ Trade weapon X for weapon Y and sets ammo to Z
Script Jump Damage Check <UNJXXXX Jump to event X if no damage has been taken
Entity <NCJXXXX:YYYY Jump to event Y if any entity of type X is present
Event <ECJXXXX:YYYY Jumps to event Y if any entity tagged with event X is found
Flag <FLJXXXX:YYYY Jump to event Y if flag X is set
Item <ITJ:XXXX:YYYY Jump to event Y if you have item X
Mapflag <MPJXXXX Jump to event X if map flag for current stage is set
No <YNJXXXX Prompts Yes/No, jumps to event X if No
Skipflag <SKJXXXX:YYYY Jump to event Y is skipflag X is set
Unconditional <EVEXXXX Goto event X
Weapon <AMJXXXX:YYYY Jumps to event Y if you have weapon X
Map Map <MLP Displays a map of the current area
Map <MNA Displays the name of the current area
Tile <CMPXXXX:YYYY:ZZZZ Changes the tile at coordinates X:Y to type Z
Tile <SMPXXXX:YYYY Subtract 1 from the tile type at coordinates X:Y (Toggles a tile without smoke FX)
Misc Ending <CRE Rolls credits
Ending <XX1XXXX Shows distant view of the island
Illustration <CIL Clears illustration
Illustration <SILXXXX Show  illustration X
Restart <ESC Quits to title screen
Restart <INI Resets the game
Restart <LDP Loads a saved game from Profile.dat
Teleporter <PS+XXXX:YYYY Set teleporter slot X to event Y. Selecting slot X (via <SLP) will run event Y on the current map.
Teleporter <SLP Shows the teleporter menu
Weapon-Related <ZAM Zeros all weapon energy
Refill Ammo <AE+ Refils ammo
Health <LI+XXXX Recovers X health
Save Game <SVP Saves current game to Profile.dat
Time <STC Saves current time to 290.rec
Sound Effects <SOUXXXX Plays sound effect X
Music <CMUXXXX Changes music to song X
Music <FMU Fades the music
Music <RMU Resumes the song played before the current
Propeller <CPS Stops the propeller sound
Propeller <SPS Starts the propeller sound
Stream <CSS Stops the stream sound
Stream <SSSXXXX Starts the stream sound at volume X
Doukutsu Monogatari - TSC notes     (aka Cave Story)
 by Kapow - 2006 April 24
 additions by ShInInG PhAnToM - 2007 June 05
  caveoholic and upthorn from gameflaws forums
  robert vandiver, for unused TSC commands
Revisions, organization and further reasearch by DragonBoots May 2009